Embark on a fantastical journey
with a vibrant cast of characters brought to life in an animated series created by Rhia. This series features seven lovable and unforgettable characters, each one designed and drawn by Rhia herself.
Rhia's imagination runs wild with her characters, each one possessing their own unique personalities, quirks, and talents. Each character is bursting with life and ready to take on any challenge that comes their way.
As the animated series unfolds, you'll be drawn into Rhia's world and captivated by the adventures of her characters. With stunning visuals and heartwarming storylines, this series is perfect for all ages and is sure to inspire creativity and imagination in anyone who watches it.
Not only is this series a showcase of Rhia's impressive artistic skills and creativity, it's also a testament to the boundless imagination and potential of young people everywhere. Join Rhia and her unforgettable cast of characters on their exciting journeys - you won't want to miss a moment of the adventure!